Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden

Joe Biden is a traitor.

Joseph “Joe” Robinette Biden is a traitor.

Joe Biden is the Most anti-American President in US History

Barack Obama made it abundantly clear that he not only loathed these United States, but he was also embarrassed by his own nation and its citizens. He did tremendous damage over his eight years in office. He treated our enemies like allies and our allies like enemies. He set race relations back at least fifty years having been indoctrinated in the odious Jeremiah Wright brand of anti-Americanism.

But who among us could have predicted how much damage a Biden administration could and would do in just a few months? All of us who revered President Trump and the tremendous strides he made on the economy, unemployment, Middle East peace, border security, and trade issues with China are gobsmacked by the destructive record of the Biden administration in just over two months. Trump was pro-American, an America-first modern day Founding Father. Trump loves this nation like the Founders did; they hoped their Constitution would prevail. Donald Trump was and is determined that it will remain the reigning document, the prescription for a free nation’s survival even when under attack by the totalitarian left that means to remake it into something resembling China.

The ruling left of today is actively undermining every aspect of our founding. We no longer enjoy free speech. We no longer are allowed the freedom of assembly or religion. The conservative embrace of Judeo-Christian values enrages the Democrats. From the Frankfurt School to Black Lives Matter, Western values are anathema to the left.

It did not use to be this way. There was a time when the Democrat party was pro-America. JFK loved his country. LBJ was as corrupt as Joe Biden but Jimmy Carter loved America. Even the careless and womanizing Bill Clinton did not set out to destroy the country.

But Obama set the left on a new and insidious course, the Cloward-Piven, Alinskyite path to totalitarianism. The Democrat party of today is overtly anti-American and having captured our educational system decades ago, has indoctrinated several generations who now believe that hating their own country is synonymous with virtue, with being sufficiently woke.

The left in America today opposes every single Judeo-Christian value this civilized nation was built upon, including the nuclear family. They eschew MLK’s wise and common sensical prescription that we be judged by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. The left today is consumed with identity politics, the notion that skin color and sexual orientation are primary and that any minority, racial or sexual, is superior, deserving of elevation in society.

This is why they encouraged and defended the riots of BLM and Antifa throughout the summer but pretended that the demonstration of January 6th was an “insurrection.” It was nothing of the kind. It was an obvious set-up. They, Pelosi and her power-mad colleagues, are only disappointed that the Antifa/BLM recruits who infiltrated the pro-Trump people that day did not do more damage that could be blamed on all those peaceful Trump fans.

Biden has grossly abused his ability to govern and is doing it by decree. He issues Executive Orders like the church of old issued indulgences. Biden is doing this to reward his radical left supporters and/or payback to donors. Now he has announced six gun control “actions.” He said these orders do not infringe on the Second Amendment! Of course, they do. He said “[N]o amendment is absolute,” more proof that the left of today has nothing but contempt for our Constitution.

Cities run by Democrats have stopped confiscating guns from the criminals they’ve released onto their streets but want to deprive law-abiding citizens of their legally-purchased guns. No wonder people want to escape from New York, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Baltimore and DC. The left has determined that only the criminals should have guns. Use a gun in the commission of a crime? No cash bail. And in each of those cities (and others), the police have been demonized, demoralized and defunded. That is the left’s recipe for certain disaster. Is it a surprise to anyone that crime has escalated drastically in all these cities?

As for Covid, leftists are the shameless fearmongers. Despite the fact that lockdowns and mask mandates can do little or nothing to stop the spread of the virus, they use their propaganda media outlets to frighten and coerce the public to blindly obey their nonsensical restrictions.

The lockdowns have done far more damage than the virus, which has a nearly 98% recovery rate. Tens of thousands of small businesses have been shuttered while the big box stores and Amazon have become fabulously wealthier over the past year.

And exactly what is behind the irresponsible push to vaccinate every American, young and old, with an emergency-authorized, experimental, never-before-used-on-humans vaccine? Given the track record of those involved, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, the possibilities are many, none of them good. Dr. Michael Yeardon, a former CEO at Pfizer, is suspicious.

The most serious damage Biden has done is to our border security. He opened the southern border on his first day in office and a catastrophic humanitarian crisis is the ongoing result. He was warned by the outgoing administration what would happen if he ceased the completion of the wall, but he ignored those warnings and began building new “shelters” on his third day in office. His administration knew what would happen. They planned on it. They are doing business with the drug cartels who control the human trafficking, the sex trafficking of children and the flow of all drugs, especially fentanyl, into the US.

Biden is purposefully doing terrible damage to this nation. He is purposefully importing a new and submissive electorate to replace and/or overwhelm the eighty million voters who supported Trump. He is flying and bussing these migrants into the interior of the country, particularly to red states. These people have no skills, little or no education, they’ve not been tested for Covid, but they are given money to begin their lives here. Thousands of others are being put up in hotels at taxpayer expense. And yet the always snarky but befuddled Jen Psaki and Nancy Pelosi claim “there is no crisis at the border.”

These people are so disconnected from reality it is truly frightening. Either that or they continue to assume the American people are very, very stupid when it is becoming clearer and clearer that it is the radical leftists who fraudulently got Biden into office and depend on him to read whatever they put on the teleprompter. They have set about destroying the once-greatest nation that ever existed on this planet. Trump had righted the country, put it back on the right course. Biden and his cohorts set out to undo all the good that Trump set in motion. Biden may think he is developing a legacy, but he will surely forever be known as the worst US president in American history. Let us hope that the country survives his sure-to-be brief tenancy at the White House, but he will surely be remembered as the most anti-American president ever to assume the office.

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In 1994, John F. Kennedy, Jr. called Joe Biden a traitor.

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Joe Biden Named Criminal Suspect In Ukrainian Court for Bribery – Treason Charges Possible in U.S.

Candidate Biden was named as a criminal suspect in the Ukrainian courts for BRIBERY on Wed, Nov 11, 2020. Officials report Biden may be charged with TREASON in the U.S.

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Did Joe Biden commit treason? It appears he did!

Dear Friends,

I never dreamed I would be able to write this article now with such confidence. Indeed, this investigative reporter has known about the Biden corruption for many years. I am not part of the fake news, nor the biased media, nor the big tech cover-ups that are misrepresenting the truth all over America. I am from Delaware and I know who Joe Biden really is.

I am now 100% convinced, having done exhaustive research on Delaware’s former Senator and former U.S. Vice President, now the Democrat candidate for the highest office in the land, that Joe Biden is at the very best, the most unethical politician in United States history and at the worst guilty of selling access to his office and granting favors to foreign officials—actually influence peddling for profit to benefit his family and himself—which is a serious crime. To make things worse, it appears the FBI had access to all of this corrupt information and has done absolutely nothing about it.

Hunter Biden, son of Joseph Biden (Candidate for President of the United States), has been able, with his father’s help, to glean millions and millions of dollars for the benefit of the entire Biden family. The evidence so far is extremely clear and indeed has the appearance of serious crimes and misdemeanors, perhaps even treason. Here is what we do know: 1) Hunter Biden dropped his laptop off at a computer shop in Wilmington. 2) He signed an agreement (they got his signature) that if he didn’t pick up the computer in 90 days, he lost the computer. He never picked it up and forfeited ownership. 3) His lawyer requested the computer be returned in writing. So there is no doubt, the computer did belong to Hunter Biden. 4) the computer tech found the 40,000 emails so incriminating and so explicit that anybody with any reasonable logic would have to conclude there is distinct evidence of corruption and criminal activity. He handed the hard-drive over to the FBI and also to Rudy Giuliani. Thank God he did-as The NY Post was able to get a copy. 5) It has been verified that many of the emails were sent and received. 6) There is possible evidence of sex trafficking, suspected child porn, and drug use-including explicit photos.

One of the incriminating quotes, which I have copied, just as it was right from the computer with a typo or two—direct from the New York Post, is from Hunter Biden to his daughter:

“I love all of you. But I don’t receive any respect and that’s fine I guess—works for you apparently. I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything in this family. For 30 years, It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half of your salary.”

This is just one of many, some even break down the corrupt distributions, indicating $10 million kicked back to Joe Biden.

Folks, whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent, when you take into consideration the apparent corruption that is now the “Biden Crime Family”, the despicable defaming of Curtis Dunn (falsely accused by Biden of being drunk when Nelia Biden killed herself and her infant daughter by running a stop sign in 1972 and broad-siding a truck) when you consider the betrayal of his friend Bill Stevenson, the phony story he and Jill perpetrated about their seedy affair, and the revenge he brought on Stevenson later, and the despicable unmasking of General Mike Flynn by Joe Biden, should in its entirety, disqualify him from being President of the United States. Nobody with any integrity should vote for him.

Stay tuned, this is just the beginning!

I believe Joe Biden is a crook and he must be exposed. I am willing to debate these issues with anybody with the evidence I have. As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.

Respectfully Submitted,

JUDSON Bennett-Coastal Network

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Is Joe Biden Guilty of Treason?

A little past noon on January 20, 2021, Joe Biden placed his left hand on a family Bible, raised his right hand in the air, and repeated the words spoken by Chief Justice John Roberts…

“I, Joseph Robinette Biden, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.”

He then gave a 21 minute and 12 second inaugural address that consisted of 2,525 words.

Later that day, the 46th President of the United States took up residence in the White House where, with the stroke of his pen, he issued 17 executive orders from behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office. One of them reversed a Trump administration order that excluded undocumented immigrants from being counted in the Census, and another indefinitely halted construction of the border wall with Mexico. A third canceled the March 2019 permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have transported crude oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast.

In my opinion, not only did those three executive orders exceed his presidential authority, but they were borderline treasonous. Let me explain.

The six times that Joe Biden was sworn into office as a U.S. Senator and the two times he was sworn into office as Vice President of the United States, he recited the following oath:

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

The presidential oath includes a promise to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution… but from whom and from what? The answer to that question is seemingly provided by the congressional and vice-presidential oath, which mentions “all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

And yet, on his first day in office, President Biden chose to ignore the Constitution by granting illegal immigrants the same status as legal citizens in terms of congressional representation and apportionment. Not only that, but he also undermined our country’s defenses by reopening our already porous southern border and practically posting a welcome sign for the mass caravans of illegals emboldened by his new immigration policies.

Finally, by moving America from energy independence toward energy dependence, President Biden further compromised our national security. Russia, Iran, and other large oil and gas producers are not our friends, but we may soon find ourselves being held hostage by these totalitarian regimes because of President Biden’s disastrous energy policies.

We can argue the constitutionality of executive orders, but there is little question as to whether Joe Biden has abused that power. In his first 50 days, he has issued more than 50 EOs and executive actions. By comparison, Biden’s 45 predecessors averaged 58 such orders per year.

Strangely, not a single one of President Biden’s executive orders has done anything to bolster America’s defenses or to make our borders more secure. Quite on the contrary. Today, less than two months since Joe Biden took office, we are weaker as a nation and less able to repel a military or economic attack.

It seems to me that the top priority of America’s Commander-in-Chief should be to protect our citizenry. But how does opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants – some with criminal backgrounds and some who tested positive for COVID but were still released into our country – protect us? For that matter, how does filling our gas tanks with Iranian oil or heating our homes with Russian gas keep Americans safe?

The most notorious traitor in U.S. history was Benedict Arnold who, as commander of the American fort at West Point, offered to surrender it – and forfeit control of the Hudson River – to the British forces under Gen. Henry Clinton. While awaiting Clinton’s response to his financial demands, Arnold began to systematically weaken the fort’s defenses and military strength as well as its ability to withstand a siege.

How is Arnold’s betrayal any different than Biden’s? Benedict Arnold took steps to make West Point more vulnerable to an enemy attack by lowering its defenses and Joe Biden has done likewise by halting construction of our southern border wall. Arnold also purposely depleted West Point’s stockpile of supplies whereas President Biden has inexplicably crippled America’s energy supply chain by stopping the Keystone XL Pipeline in its tracks and pulling the plug on existing drilling contracts on federal lands and waters.

In addition to his West Point treachery, Benedict Arnold was court martialed on charges of profiteering during his time as military commander of Philadelphia. At the very least, Joe Biden should face a competency hearing because he is either in cahoots with China or mentally unfit to serve as President.

Drew B. Tipton

Drew B. Tipton is a patriot.

Drew B. Tipton is a patriot.

Drew B. Tipton stymied President Biden’s 100-Day Ban on Deportations.

Drew B. Tipton a patriotic U.S. District Judge in Texas has issued a temporary nationwide restraining order allowing ICE to continue deporting criminal aliens.

In a classic example that serves to prove the old adage “what goes around comes around,” U.S. District Judge Drew Tipton, a Donald Trump appointee, on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 issued a nationwide temporary restraining order against Joe Biden’s executive order halting illegal alien deportations over his first 100 days.

Immediately following Biden’s Inauguration Day EO, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took the new administration to court, contending that Biden’s order would cause “concrete injures to Texas.” Paxton argued, “Border states like Texas pay a particularly high price when the federal government fails to faithfully execute our country’s immigration laws. [President Biden’s] attempted halt on almost all deportations would increase the cost to Texas caused by illegal immigration.”

During the Trump administration, the states of Texas, Arizona, Indiana, and Louisiana signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security giving them a 180-day period for consultation before the feds could take any action to “reduce, redirect, reprioritize, relax, or in any way modify immigration enforcement.”

Beyond being a bad idea and a constitutional dereliction, Biden’s EO is in violation of this agreement. Thus, Judge Tipton ruled that the order failed to follow the Administrative Procedures Act, stating, “Here, the January 20 Memorandum not only fails to consider potential policies more limited in scope and time, but it also fails to provide any concrete, reasonable justification for a 100-day pause on deportations.”

Recall that the Administrative Procedures Act was the very same rule used by Democrats to successfully prevent Trump from following through on his EO to end DACA. Two can play this game.

Biden’s order effectively prevents Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from deporting criminal aliens. In fact, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that Biden’s EO blocks ICE from deporting 85% of illegal aliens it had in custody. Of the 185,884 illegal aliens deported last fiscal year, 64% of them had criminal records or pending criminal charges.

This serves as an example of the fruit of Trump’s impressive judiciary record, and the primary reasons many conservatives voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020. Furthermore, this is evidence that GOP state attorneys general will hold to their “save and defend” commitment.